Sheldon Cooper would be thrilled.
We present your new professional home
You: “Bad Iburg? Never heard of it. What am I supposed to do there?” Us: “Exactly what you want to do. Impress people around the world with your skills, at the same time living the life you want to live. Professionally and privately.” How does that all fit together? With NT-ware! Here, you will find an unconventional working world which sets new standards in flexibility and levels of freedom. And people who let you share in their differentness.
The result is a high-performance playground for IT experts in which you can realize your ideas. But watch out: the enthusiasm of the people here is highly contagious—and may set you on fire too!

Flowchart to satisfaction
Our benefits
Looking for some hard facts to convince you?

How we stand out
Our employer values

Enthusiasm for the product, the technology and the customer
We develop state-of-the-art software “from scratch”. As cool nerds, we are excited about new technologies and stand for top products and the highest customer satisfaction. Our flagship and “baby”: the uniFLOW product family.

A modern working world—highly flexible and family-friendly
We work very flexibly—both in terms of hours and location. And in the way your work is structured. Each employee decides in which specialist and expert direction to go. And when family calls, we take the time needed. Always. Our environmentally friendly activity in our green building is just as forward-looking. This is where we are accelerating the ecologically sensible journey “from paper to digitization”.

Roots in Germany—international connection—global success
NT-ware stands for a modern working experience and offers the place to be: in our headquarters near to Osnabrück. A team from over 35 nations works hand in hand here. Cultural idiosyncrasies are celebrated, further training is promoted and we exemplify integration. We communicate with our international sites intensively and in English.

Canon: growth, security and partnership
As a component and service provider of the Canon Group, we stand for security and healthy growth. NT-ware is a valued partner across the Group, and by no means a small cog in the machinery.

Uncomplicated and on an equal footing
At NT-ware, we cultivate values-based, human and open communication with each other. Things are extremely unbureaucratic and uncomplicated here. Our communication with each other is frank and casual—at all levels.

First-hand insider knowledge
Our employees report

Hello, I’m Peter Lange and after our boss, I was the first (and therefore the longest-serving) NT-ware employee! At the moment, I am consulting with Axel Behrens, the assistant director of the QA department. I look after the major customers and the custom-made products in the projects department. Axel is one of my sparring partners because he is one of the most crafty “testers” I know.

Since I’ve been around for so long, I know our software inside out—after all, I helped to develop it. Today, I am sort of the technical interface between our customers and our development department; my job is to analyze what is technically feasible and how to resolve complex issues. Nevertheless: sometimes I miss developing work—once a nerd, always a nerd!

One more really good cup of coffee, a few vitamins from our fruit basket, which is regularly filled on Tuesdays, and we can get back to the action! I have just received a query from a field specialist at CANON about a custom-made product for a major customer ... Considering that at its beginning, NT-ware was established in a former bookstore, it feels a little like Hewlett and Packard making their start in a garage in 1939.

NT-ware is now a subsidiary of CANON—this gives us the security of having a large corporation behind us, but we continue to operate independently. As a result, I was often traveling abroad, especially in the early days. Apart from my very first training session with English native speakers—I hardly slept for a week leading up to it—my placements abroad were great experiences.

Flexibility is very important to us. That’s why almost anyone can work at home: the technical foundations have been created in such a way that this is easily possible. I often work from home, so I can take my children to school without any hassle. In fact, I’m really proud of what NT-ware is today. And most important of all— it’s still great fun!

Good morning! It’s only just after 7 o’clock, but I usually start my working day early so that I can pick up my daughter from preschool in the afternoons... My name is Andrei Hristea, and I work as a 3rd level support specialist at NT-ware. I am from Romania, studied computer science and found NT-ware while searching for a perfect job—lucky me!

I haven’t been on board long, so my favorite “project” so far is the successful completion of all uniFLOW classes. That’s why I can now call myself a “uniFLOW Certified Solution Specialist”. This role includes five other certifications in total, each of which deals with a different part of the software we develop here at NT-ware.

People from different countries and cultures come together to make a strong team at NT-ware: we support each other and overcome challenges together, no matter how tricky. A successful working day for me is when we have solved every customer problem (or at least almost)—and when I can exchange ideas with friendly co-workers over lunch and practice my German.

The way the company and employees all take care of new colleagues is wonderful: I was supported right from the start, whether it was about the move or an apartment, about finding a place in preschool for my daughter or—since I did not speak German—in communicating with the authorities. Everyone—including customers—helps me to catch on. The company also pays for my German classes.

The people who work here are what makes NT-ware stand out. I like to hang out on the terrace with co-workers, game in our chillout room or train together for “Tough Mudder”. It’s like a second home. Thanks to maximum flexibility with work hours, there is enough space to make room for your personal life—whether for family, sports or Netflix. It could hardly be better!

Hello! I’m Sabine Zimmer, and in my job at NT-ware everything really revolves around people: officially, I am an office manager on the administrative team, i.e. controlling, accounting, facility management and above all HR come into my purview. Originally, I came from the banking industry, but then I studied industrial psychology and came to NT-ware more than 12 years ago.

I like to stop by our company daycare center, which is primarily open to employees’ children. Every day at NT-ware is different; I constantly move between different departments and tasks—this can range from recruiting an educator to setting up a new office abroad. Varied, human, fulfilling—these three terms describe my job quite well.

One of my favorite projects is planning the company trip! This time, for the 20th anniversary, we are all flying to Mallorca, and the program is already very popular! It’s always great when all the employees get to meet up in a relaxed setting. This demonstrates quite impressively how many cultures and different personalities are working together for the success of NT-ware.

The team spirit here is great, not only among the “long-established” employees—employees from abroad who are new to the company also find it easier thanks to English being the language we do business in. To this day, we have always succeeded in finding a suitable solution for any individual issue experienced by a co-worker, e.g. when moving from abroad, a relative’s illness or whatever it may be. This puts NT-ware in a class of its own.

My co-worker of many years, Peter, really wants to test my Eckhard-Meiner chair—be my guest, Pete ... as a passionate rider with my own horses, I always find this fun! Thanks to flexible working hours and a home office, it’s easy to strike a balance between work and home—even if, like me, you have more time-consuming hobbies. It’s not only in this regard that NT-ware is a real trail-blazer!

Work & Life at NT-ware
Peter explains why our working world leaves room for spontaneity.

NT-ware connects people, cultures and languages
Andrei explains why diversity enriches life.

We're all about people
Sabine gets top talents on board and, as office lead, creates the perfect working conditions
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Your contact person is
Sabine Zimmer, tel: +49 5403 7243-202